happy bday 2gu!! ^o^
1st time singK vf my BIG family...XD
at 1st, nobody dare to sing....i had been forced by 2gu ... no choice..cz she was the master tat time...haha..
waliao....新不了情..my 主打...but im 2 scared....never sing in front of my cousins....wakaka
luckily didn't 走音...hahahah....
man! finally i found some1 can hit the boy's pitch of 珊瑚海 !...syoknya !!! waliao...i had been searching 4 long long time ago....
super excited..wakaka
quite happy 2 duet vf ah hong .. hehehe... i vil rmb thz 珊瑚海..wakaka
then ltr me, manman, sze n gloria sing the "SUPERsTAR"...wakaka,,,,
super syok!
although got some part v keep shout n high...XD ..but v enjoy ourselves a lot seriously..! n jz v 2gu..wakaka
n stan ! waliao...really shocking...!! hahahaha.... ur voice damn great man..!!!!
geng !!!
nice 1 ..!especially the 苯小孩 n 草蜢's song...waliao... da gor gor, u and yongyong damn pro !!
really..!! had a lot of fun there seriously...n im sure that 2gu was super happy tat nite...
actually singK vf my own family can strike a lot of fun that i never expect...haha
don worry..!
december...~~v gonna reply it again..wakkaak....
i love my BIG FAMILY !!
at least v didn't quareel or hate each other...
v rock u babe!!